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A Jesus School. Called to Serve, to Learn, to Love...

1436 N Campbell Avenue • Tucson, AZ 85719

(520) 325-2431

    The aim of discipline is to provide classrooms conducive to learning, to promote respect for authority and for the welfare of the group, to redirect misguided behavior, and to encourage the development of self-discipline. Further, discipline aids in the development of positive ideals, attitudes, and habits that every person needs for Christian living.


    In order for a discipline program to be consistent and effective, parents and/or guardians are expected to support teachers and administrators. At all times, discipline will be conducted with the dignity of the student in mind. Disciplinary action will be commensurate with the misconduct. The nature and degree of misconduct will be considered in the administration of discipline. A student should expect that repetitive misconduct will result in disciplinary action of increasing severity. Corporal punishment is prohibited.


    Continued enrollment is dependent upon student and parental cooperation with school authorities and adherence to all school policies. It is necessary that all parents who choose to send their children to Saints Peter and Paul School cooperate with all regulations. Discipline is an integral part of the learning process. If a student is to develop self-control, the student must be helped to live in harmony with others, and to obey the laws of God, our country and our school.


    The Principal and the teachers have the right to exercise authority as to the conduct of students attending our school. Our expectations are made clear to students at the beginning of the year. Regulations that are made are done so with the students' safety and wellbeing in mind. Parental guidance in helping our young people to understand this is imperative.


Parents are asked to begin at the earliest possible time in the child’s development to instill an attitude of respect and courtesy. "Yes/No Ms., Mrs., or Mr. …," and "Yes/No Father or Sister," are still polite.   Good manners are never out of style. "Please" and "Thank you" are important.


Students are expected to willingly obey school regulations concerning times of silence. The school building is a place of serious business and should provide an atmosphere conducive to learning. Occasions are provided during the day to aid the students in social development. However, socializing is not our primary function.


Students attending Saints Peter and Paul School are expected to observe the dress code. As a Catholic school, we want to instill in our children a sense of modesty and decency. Parents should model these virtues.


Children must develop a respect for their own belongings, as well as other people's property.

    a.)  All children should have a protective book bag.

    b.)  Each child is responsible for the desk he/she uses and all materials that

         pass through his/her hands. Here again, parents and school can work

         together to develop this responsibility in the children.

    c.)  Children are responsible for respecting the school building and avoiding

         vandalism of any kind.




1436 N Campbell Avenue

Tucson, AZ 85719

Phone: (520) 325-2431

School Office Hours

Mon. - Thur.: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Friday: 8:00 am - 1:00 pm

Saturday & Sunday: Closed



1436 N Campbell Avenue

Tucson, AZ 85719

Phone: (520) 325-2431

School Office Hours

Mon. - Thur.: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Friday: 8:00 am - 1:00 pm

Saturday & Sunday: Closed


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